E.I.D. Parry (India) Ltd., Pettaivaytalai, Tamil Nadu

Factory Name : E.I.D. Parry (India) Ltd., Pettaivaytalai, Tamil Nadu
Operational Status : Closed
Plant Name : Cauvery
Code : 30301
Factory Nature : PVT
Nearest Railway Station : Trichy 25 Km.
Nearest Hotels : 1) Sangam, 2) Femina, 3) Royal Sathyam, Trichy 25 Km., Rs. 5000/-
Holiday : Sunday
Courier Service : Professional
Bank Details : State Bank of India, Commercial Branch, Trichy, A/c.No.- 10088196202, A/c.Type- Cash Credit, NEFT/IFS Code- SBIN0004060
Plant Make : KCP, ULKA, NSF
Cogen Capacity : 20 MW (Plant- IJT)
Milling Plants : 2 sets of Knives, Fibrizor, 1st Mill 1016 x 2032mm (3+1 rollers UFR), 2nd to 4th, 765 x 1525mm (3+1 rollers TRF), 5th Mill 918 x 1836mm (2+3 Rollers TRF)
Mobile Number : 9842922430
Phone Number : (0431) 2612432, 2612428, 9842822430
Fax Number : (0431) 2612431
Email : secretarypvt@parry.murugappa.com
Website : www.eidparry.com
Address : Pettavaithalai
City : Pettaivaytalai
Pin Code : 639 112
State : Tamil Nadu
District : Tiruchirappalli
Register Office Address : Dare House, 234, NSC Bose Road, Chennai 600 001, Ph.- (044) 25306789
Nearest City/Town : Trichy 25 Km.
Nearest District : Trichy 25 Km.
# Name Designation Phone No Mobile No Email
1 V. Ravichandran Chairman- N.A. N.A. N.A.
2 S. Suresh M.D.- N.A. N.A. N.A.
3 S. Ramakrishnan A.G.M.(Elect.)- N.A. N.A. N.A.
4 R.Elangovan Dy.Gen.Mgr. (Cane)- N.A. N.A. N.A.
2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Crushing Capacity (Ton/Day)
Cane Crushed (Lakh M.T.)
Sugar Produced (Lakh Qtl)
Sugar Recovery (%)
Molasses Produced (M.T.)
Sugarcane Rate/Ton (Rs.)
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