The Jeypore Sugar Company Ltd., Chagallu, Andhra Pradesh

Factory Name : The Jeypore Sugar Company Ltd., Chagallu, Andhra Pradesh
Operational Status : Closed
Plant Name : Chagallu
Code : 25501
Factory Nature : PVT
Nearest Railway Station : Nidadavole 10 Km.
Nearest Hotels : Anand Regency, Rajahmundry 20 Km.
Holiday : Sunday
Courier Service : First Flight, Professional, DTDC
Plant Make : KCP
Cogen Capacity : 25 MW
Milling Plants : 5 Tandem mills of 920 x 1830mm, 2nd Tandem having 6 mills of 855 x 1500mm.
Phone Number : (08813) 271424, 271560, 271561, 271088
Fax Number : (08813) 271442
Email :
Address : Chagallu
City : Chagallu
Pin Code : 534 342
State : Andhra Pradesh
District : West Godavari
Register Office Address : P.B.No. 703, Ramakrishna Bldg., 239, Annasalai, Chennai 6, Ph.- (044) 43647145, Fax- (044) 28351442
Nearest City/Town : Rajahmundry 20 Km.
Nearest District : East Godavari 20 Km.
# Name Designation Phone No Mobile No Email
1 Smt. Rajeshwari Ramakrishnan Chairperson (04222) 2221656 N.A. N.A.
2 Smt. Anitha Prabhu M.D. N.A N.A. N.A.
3 K.V. Rajshekhar D.G.M. (Fin.) N.A. N.A. N.A.
4 M. Lokabhushanam A.G.M. (Process) N.A. N.A. N.A.
5 A. Sivakumar A.G.M. (Disti.) N.A. 9346771598 N.A.
2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Crushing Capacity (Ton/Day)
Cane Crushed (Lakh M.T.)
Sugar Produced (Lakh Qtl)
Sugar Recovery (%)
Molasses Produced (M.T.)
Sugarcane Rate/Ton (Rs.)
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