Deccan Sugar Pvt. Ltd., Mangrul, Maharashtra

Factory Name : Deccan Sugar Pvt. Ltd., Mangrul, Maharashtra
Operational Status : Working
Plant Name : Mangrul
Code : 36201
Factory Nature : Private
Nearest Railway Station : Dhamagaon 80 Km.
Nearest Airport : Nagpur
Nearest Hotels : 1) Revati Pride, 2) Mai, Yavatmal 26 Km.
Holiday : Sunday
Courier Service : Professional, Cityland, Madhur
Bank Details : Bank of India, Aarni, A/c.No.- 063420110000087, A/c.Type- Current, NEFT/IFS Code- BKID0000634
GST Number : 27AAGC554678FIZ0
Plant Make : Walchandnagar
Cogen Capacity : NA
Milling Plants : 1 set of Knives, Fibrizor, 12 Rollers size 900 x 1700mm - 4 Mill Tandem
Mobile Number : NA
Phone Number : (07232) 242170
Fax Number : NA
Email :
Website : NA
Address : Deorao Patil Nagar, Mangrul, Post. Belora
City : Mangrul
Pin Code : 445 105
State : Maharashtra
District : Yavatmal
Register Office Address : Wadhwani Complex, Netaji Chowk, Yavatmal 445 001, Ph. (07232) 246566
Nearest City/Town : Yavatmal 26 Km.
Nearest District : Yavatmal 26 Km.
# Name Designation Phone No Mobile No Email
1 Sadhuram P. Wadhwani Chairman 07232-242170 N.A. N.A.
2 Sanjay S. Wadhwani Vice President N.A. 07232-242170 N.A.
3 I.H. Thawarani F&A NA 8411004595 N.A.
4 Sanjay B. Patil Tech. General Manager N.A. 8788827773 N.A.
5 V.N. Gavande Production Manager NA 9545024577 N.A.
6 S.T. Patwari Ch. Engineer NA 9403296984 N.A.
7 Dinesh A. Kelani Asst.Fiance Officer N.A. 9404295615 N.A.
8 A.B.Kadam Ch. Agri Officer NA 7745842555 N.A.
9 --- Purchase Officer 9403296981
10 --- Sugar Sale Off. 9403296977
2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Crushing Capacity (Ton/Day) 2500 2500 2500 2500
Cane Crushed (Lakh M.T.) 2.71 3.32 1.98 1.46
Sugar Produced (Lakh Qtl) 2.36 2.86 1.61 1.28
Sugar Recovery (%) 10.28 10.23 8.16 8.72
Molasses Produced (M.T.) 6.78 ( B Heavy ) 7.17%(B Heavy Molasses) 13,450 8030
Sugarcane Rate/Ton (Rs.) 2300 2200 2200 2200
Type : Molasses
Plant Make :
Technology : Batch
ETP and Plant : Biogass and composting
Production : Annual
Production Capacity - Alcohol : 45 KLPD
Production Capacity - RS :
Production Capacity - ENA :
Production Capacity - Ethanol : 45 KLPD
Incharge : Anil.P.Panchyl
Phone Number : 9168508383
Email :
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